If you are one of those who do not tolerate bland dishes, you add granola to your fruit or toasted nuts and seeds to your salads. However, it is common for them to go rancid quickly, especially if you do not store them well.
Before moving on to tips for storing and extending the freshness of nuts and seeds, it should be noted that they are rich in healthy fats, making them a great option to protect your heart and increase your intake of fibre, protein and good fats. . Now yes, you already know the benefits of these nuts, let’s get to work!
What is the best place to store nuts?
According to the kitchen queen, Martha Stewart, the refrigerator is the perfect sanctuary for storing nuts and seeds, from walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pepitas and sunflower seeds.
Although it may seem hard to believe, the humid environment will help keep nuts and seeds fresh for longer; as the chef’s website points out that “unsaturated fats are extremely fragile and delicate, which means they break down quickly. This makes the nuts prone to going rancid, which ruins the flavor and freshness,” so store them in the refrigerator, as the cold environment slows down the decomposition process.
How to store nuts and seeds correctly.
Now that you know that it is best to keep nuts and seeds refrigerated to prevent them from going rancid, we give you several tips to store them correctly; take note!
1. The fresher, the better
Be sure to buy fresh nuts and seeds, as if they’ve already been exposed to air or aren’t sealed properly, it won’t be long before they taste rancid.
2. Buy whole nuts
If you usually buy chopped or filleted nuts, forget about this because since they have already been exposed to the air and the oils have already risen to the surface, they will go rancid very quickly.
3. Get airtight containers
While it’s tempting to open the fridge, put the bag of walnuts or almonds in and forget about it, it’s best to empty them into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid or some other airtight container.
4. Store them in the freezer!
If you bought a lot of nuts or pistachios, do not hesitate to store half in the refrigerator and the other half in the freezer, as this will keep them fresh for a long time.
5. Trust the science
Martha Stewart’s portal indicates that you can keep nuts and seeds in the refrigerator for up to 6 months and freeze them for up to a year without fear of success!
6. What kind of nuts do you prefer?
Some nuts tend to go rancid sooner than others because they contain less fat. The nuts that tend to stay fresh the longest are pistachios, almonds and walnuts, but it doesn’t matter; if you keep them in the fridge, they will all last much longer.