You are having breakfast: you get up in the morning, make a cup of coffee, bite into a cake or spread butter on a piece of bread. Or maybe you go to a bakery and order one of those cardboard juices and a croissant. Ready, belly full.
How many people eat breakfast like this every day? Many, most. Maybe with a few variations, depending on where you live, but generally the same: cake, bread, candy, carton juice, coffee. Typical morning meals. But you know what? You’re doing it wrong.
It doesn’t matter that most people eat like this; they are doing it wrong too. I was doing it wrong, but over time, I changed.
You are giving your body only cheap and potentially useless carbohydrates (flour + sugar), and you are leaving out proteins that are very important in the first hours of the day, regulating your appetite throughout the day and reducing obesity.
Do we have to stop eating carbohydrates entirely, then?
No, you have to choose them well and not make them the centre of your morning diet.
What carbohydrates do work for breakfast?
Fruits, vegetables, and cereals such as oatmeal. And well, that’s fine; a couple of slices of bread aren’t killed, anyone.
What carbohydrates should you not have for breakfast?
Cakes, biscuits, cookies, sweets, bakery cupcakes, croissants, etc. Nothing is based on flour and sugar.
And the famous fuel needed to start the day?
Well, if you have coffee and cake for breakfast, it is as if you were filling the 60-litre tank of your 8-cylinder vehicle with 10 litres of 81-octane gasoline.
You can also get fuel from fruits, vegetables and the fats of the proteins you eat.
What would a good breakfast look like?
Having fruit for breakfast
It would help if you ate plenty of protein with its respective portion of carbohydrates in addition to fruits and vegetables. Example?:
Scrambled eggs or in an omelette sausage or turkey ham, accompanied by slices of your favourite cheese, some nuts, and bread (but a little). It also includes some fruit for dessert. To drink a cup of tea and even better if you drink some natural juice. Having breakfast omelettes
What am I having for breakfast?
In my case, I feel very comfortable with the way they eat breakfast in many places in Asia. They eat soups, roasted vegetables, rice flour dumplings, pork, meat, fish…
(For example, see how the Chinese eat breakfast)
I usually get up, go to the kitchen, and heat a giant bowl of chicken broth with thigh pieces, potatoes, squash, carrots, and lots of vegetables. I also like to prepare a steak or a breast with rice and vegetables. I rarely eat dishes that revolve around flour when I’m having breakfast. I only do it when I have no other choice. Sweet? Never.
Many people question me…? eat breakfast as if you were having lunch. I’m not weird or crazy for doing that. It’s crazy (and wrong) to stand up in the morning and have coffee and cookies.
You should do the test for a week and have a good breakfast—balance protein and carbohydrates. Accompany your eggs (or your chicken) with lots of vegetables, your oatmeal with fruit and do not sweeten with sugar, use honey. Don’t just eat bread and butter.
Do you want your sweet croissant? Okay, but put an omelette and a sausage next to it. Its a lot? Eat half the croissant 😉