Sausages and cold cuts are two products that are usually in everyone’s shopping cart, as they are easy to handle and are less expensive for consumers.
They are versatile products that can be used to create exquisite dishes, special and tasty tapas for guests or to form part of a delicious sandwich for children’s snacks.
However, few consumers know the difference between these two products, something important to make a purchase full of delicious and nutritious choices.
Sausages and cold cuts, what sets them apart
The sausages are made with different parts of the animal. These parts are chopped or chopped and added flavor thanks to seasonings.
Once this process is finished, the result is introduced into natural or industrial casing.
The artificial casing, which is used during the industrial process, allows these foods to be preserved for longer and is an edible product. This technique is widely used today.
However, the use of natural casing ensures that the product has the highest quality and provides different advantages.
It helps the sausage to cure evenly.
Increases the aroma of the product making it tastier and fresher.
It is very resistant and elastic so that introducing the meat is easier.
Provides a more handmade look.
Its decomposition is careful with the environment.
Provides a pleasant sensation in the mouth.
The cold cut is made using lean pieces of the pig, which are mixed with additives and other parts of the animal such as fat and tendons.
By using cooking or roasting techniques during their manufacture, the time used to make them is less than in the case of sausages.
The way cold cuts are made makes it necessary to keep them at a low temperature in the fridge, this will help prevent them from spoiling and keep them in good condition.
Unlike sausages, cold cuts usually contain a higher percentage of fat, and for this reason it is recommended to eat them with care and balance.
How to know if they are healthy
When we go shopping and we want to choose good quality sausages and cold cuts that are healthy, it is important to take into account some tips to choose the best products.
Before choosing, you have to look and read the product label carefully.
Avoid items with too many additives, preservatives and colorings.
It is better to choose those cold cuts and sausages in their version with less salt.
By following these recommendations, choosing the best shopping basket for the home will be a complete success.
For sausages and cold cuts to be part of a healthy and balanced diet, it must be taken into account that the nutritional needs of each person are different. Therefore, the level of ingestion that is healthy will be different in each case, something to take into account when eating these foods.
It is also important that the intake of these foods is accompanied by the regular practice of some sport.
When buying sausages that are healthy and tasty, you have to think about those that are made by hand and that are made from bush meat. These sausages provide less fat than others.
Health benefits of sausages
Choosing the best sausages when making the weekly or monthly purchase allows the family to obtain different health benefits.
They are rich in protein, which is why they improve sports performance or help maintain energy in activities that require physical exertion.
Contribution of micronutrients.
They contain iron and vitamin B12 to prevent anemia.
They contain selenium which is an antioxidant and which reduces the chances of suffering from some diseases.
What kind of sausages are healthier
Among the sausages and cold cuts that are healthier when it comes to introducing them into our daily diet, we can find those that are made with lean meats.
Among the healthiest options we find turkey, serrano ham and wild meat sausages. Consuming them occasionally are delicious and healthy as long as the options with less fat and salt are chosen.