Infusions to sleep – Natural remedies
If you have come this far, it is undoubtedly because you are one of the people who have difficulty sleeping, falling asleep or have a sleep disorder.
This is more common than it seems, or at least one that we are asked for the most is a relaxing infusion.
First, tell you that there is no miracle remedy you take as a natural anxiolytic or at least we do not have it. What I promise you is that with these guidelines we have helped many people to have a better rest.
What is a relaxing infusion?
It is a mixture of herbs or plants that can help you fall asleep and may have specific sedative properties. They are not medicines and are 100% natural. One of the most common is the infusion of tila, which is famous for calming the nerves.
What kind of infusions help sleep?
Now is when we have to be realistic, and I want to be honest with you; it is not about selling at all costs; the idea is to help you fight insomnia and rest your sleep. I explain that no plant naturally has an anesthetic effect and keeps you in a deep sleep all night.
I see this as somethonceptual, linked to some conceptual stress and trying to break with that burden that does not allow us to sleep correctly and keeps our nervous system alert.
Beyond all this, I will list our top infusions for the night, from the most sold and used to the least “effective”.
- Rooibos Stress Manager
- linden
- Good Digestion Infusion
- Pennyroyal Mint
- Chamomile
- Genmaicha Tea
This list of infusions is based on our sales. For this purpose; it d; it does not mean that you have to take the first yes or yes.
The idea is to give you a list of some plants or herbs our clients do well. And this is where we have to make everything clear; this alone is useless.
Beyond the properties that these relaxing infusions have, there is the act of taking them, enjoying them and preparing them. I will tell you how to handle them, and you will better understand this concept.
How to drink an infusion so that it is relaxing?
Imagine that we have an infusion of Rooibos For stress, we get home, have dinner quickly, and while we finish eating and clean up, we pr, we are the Rooibos so as not to waste a second. We take the glass, drink it in one gulp and go to sleep. What do you think will happen?
You can imagine (or not)… You get to the bathroom several times, and that mixture of herbs I’ve taken will have been no use.
How would it be more effective?
Imagine the same situation but instead of doing everything at once to save time, leave “tea time”, “relax time”, and “zen time” for last. Call it what you want.
It would help if you dedicated that time to yourself, your well-being, to enjoying ALL THE MOMENT.
Surely you are thinking: I have to get up early, I can’t entertain myself, I have responsibilities at home… That’s an excuse. If you are reading this, it is because you spend hours tossing and turning in bed, and you wake up and e nervous. Imagine that this small investment of time is good for inducing sleep and has that calming effect you need.
This is what works. Prepare your hot water, choose your favourite infusion and enjoy its characteristic aroma before putting it in the cup; wait those few minutes while you watch how the colour changes.
That trivial, silly, magical moment makes a lot of sense. Those minutes of preparing your favourite infusion serve to break the routine and “disconnect” from what worries you. Help fight stress and see that we are attacking the problem before taking a sip.
As I told you, I didn’t want to sell you sedative effects (which would be more straightforward); I want you to know that this well-spent time can give you better rest.
After preparation, it’s time for enjoyment. It is not about drinking it in one gulp and hoping for a miracle. The perfect idea is to savour savourdrink, savour drinks perfume of the tea. Take advantage, read a book, or watch some of your favourite series.
Disconnect from the exhausting routine and connect a little with yourself.
If you do this, you will have won 90% of the game and w, when you go to bed, I assure you that you will feel better, with a little more peace of mind and thinking about everything less.
The best infusion of all? The one you like and enjoy the most. I will leave you some links below so you can read more about Rooibos. Be that as it may, always choose your favourite.