For those who are interested in an activity such as hunting, it is possible that, if they are starting out in this fascinating world, they are still unaware of the different methods and types of hunting that exist.
We can differentiate two types of hunting, big game and small game. Each one has its own characteristics and modalities that make them unique activities.
Interesting things about big game
Big game hunting consists of going after animals that are cataloged within this type of hunting, among which we find mountain animals such as wild boar, roe deer, fallow deer or even animals as large as a bear.
Big game hunting, in turn, can be practiced in different modalities depending on the type of prey and the way in which the activity is carried out.
In this modality of big game it is possible to obtain pieces such as wild boar, fallow deer or deer, animals that we can easily find in the bush.
It consists of forming two groups of hunters. One of them is located at a specific point while the other group of hunters, with the help of trained dogs, scares the prey so that they run to where the other group is waiting to hunt them.
Stalking is a modality that allows hunting animals that are on the big game list, in which the hunter is in charge of searching and locating the piece to be hunted, such as a deer, a mountain goat or a wild boar.
Once he finds it, he must get as close as possible to be able to make the right shot and get the piece.
The batida is a modality very similar to the hunt. In this case the groups of hunters are smaller, the space where you can hunt is also smaller and in this case you can practice without the need to use hunting dogs.
In this modality of big game, the hunter is placed in a position to wait for the arrival of the prey. The difference with other types of big game hunting is that it is done at night and there is only one hunter in each location.
What is small game and how to practice it
In small game hunting, the animals that are pursued are smaller than a fox. For example, rabbits, partridges or quails.
This type of hunting tends to have more followers because of the ease with which certain game pieces are found and because of their size, being smaller they are more manageable.
The hunter who opts for this type of game usually hunts on foot and with the help of hunting dogs. In the case of dogs, there are different breeds that are usually used specifically for this type of hunting, such as English setters, bloodhounds, Labrador retrievers or greyhounds.
As with big game, in small game there are also different well differentiated modalities.
The hunter waits for the prey to appear in places where it usually goes to look for food or that is usually part of its route in the case of migrations.
In this case, the hunter remains hidden among the herbs waiting for the presence of an animal or also imitates the song to attract its attention.
to the jump
In this modality the hunter can be accompanied by dogs. He is in charge of looking for the game to hunt while walking through the area, and once found, he approaches it in order to hunt it.
to the eye
In this modality of small game, the hunters wait in strategic places for the dogs to pick up the prey, by scaring them, and for them to run to where the hunters are. Opportunity that they will use to be able to hunt the prey.
with claim
In some films in which some hunters are seen, it is possible to find a sequence in which a lure is used, such as a caged partridge that with its song can attract other partridges so that the hunter can capture them.
Other modalities
These are just some of the modalities that exist in small game, but there are others that can also be interesting such as:
Dogs in dens for hunting foxes.
Hunt with greyhounds to catch hares.
Falconry in which birds of prey are used to hunt