Surely many times you have come home after a hard day at work, and the first thing that comes to mind is “and today what do I eat?”.
This is a very frequent question and many times when we don’t feel like cooking, the only thing that occurs to us is to use pre-cooked foods that are made more quickly.
It is normal for accumulated stress and fatigue to make it hard for the mind to think about what to eat when all you want is to sit on the sofa and rest.
In addition, it can be difficult to have to think every day what to make for food to avoid repeating and eating a variety every day.
Therefore, to help make meals more diverse, and avoid boredom, it is best to plan the menu for each day in advance.
In this way, the burden and stress can be relieved by already having food prepared for each day of the week.
How to prepare a weekly menu
Organization is essential when preparing the weekly menu. In order for the diet to be balanced, it is important to take into account some factors that will help create delicious menus and that provide everything necessary to maintain health.
Include different types of food
The foods are differentiated by groups.
It is important to take each food group into account to create varied and healthy menus. Avoiding ultra-processed foods, excess fat and sugar is also essential to eliminate ingredients that can seriously affect health.
Take into account the freshness of food
When organizing food, you have to take into account the time they have been stored. In this way, those that have been around a little longer will be used first to prevent them from losing their freshness and, therefore, some of their beneficial qualities.
Freezer Containers
Where to store food after cooking? The containers where they are stored must be of good quality, which protect the properties of the food well and, if possible, allow a good view of what is inside.
Those that are also suitable for the microwave can be a good option to avoid having to change the container to heat or defrost, saving time and effort.
stop and think
To organize the menu of meals well, you have to sit down and spend time planning and preparing the food. If the inspiration does not come to you, you can consult our Recipes section.
This will allow factors such as the type of ingredients or the cooking time each one needs to be taken into account, to manage your schedule efficiently and make it easy to make this planning a habit in your life.
Shopping list
Planning menus helps create a shopping list that lists only what you will need. This will help the family economy by buying only what you really need, and you will save a lot of time when you go to the supermarket.
Benefits of organizing the meal menu for the week
Planning the menus for each day in advance provides different very interesting advantages that will help you integrate meal planning into your weekly schedule.
This is the keyword, because:
You save time, since the meals are prepared, you avoid having to spend extra time when you come home from work to think about what you are going to eat today and to cook it.
You save money, because by making a shopping list with what you need, you save by avoiding buying other types of ingredients that you may not use and only increase the final cost of the purchase.
You save on headaches having to think every day what you are going to eat.
No throwing away food
Food or ingredients that stay in the fridge and are forgotten until they go bad and have to be thrown away. This is a waste that must be avoided.
By organizing and planning meals you will avoid wasting food, because if you make a shopping list and stick to it, you will only get the necessary ingredients to prepare each dish, which helps to ensure that no food remains expired in the fridge.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet
Another important point in favor of planning meals is that you will have more knowledge about the food you eat, being able to change the diet towards healthier ingredients.