For a long time the words barbecue and grill have been used interchangeably as synonyms. However, both are different terms that it is necessary to know well so that that party with friends by the pool is unforgettable.
The differences between barbecue and grill
If you are thinking of gathering family or friends in the garden at home, the question is will you use a barbecue or a grill? And it is that both things, although we use them as if they were the same, in reality there are nuances that make them two different tools when cooking.
different cooking techniques
The barbecue and the grill are used for cooking, but they are two different cooking techniques that use the name of the tools used to differentiate them.
To be more clear about what is a barbecue and what is a grill, we can explain that what we call a barbecue has a lid and a thermometer that allows better control of the state of the food, and the grill does not have these accessories.
Surely now you can get a clearer idea of what you have in front of you when you go to buy a barbecue or grill to enjoy the good weather and the best food in good company.
How heat is distributed
The lid that the barbecue has allows the heat to be distributed much better and for a longer time around the food.
Thanks to this lid, you can use different cooking methods such as roasting or smoking, something that cannot be done with the grill.
Characteristics and advantages of the barbecue
The barbecue is a piece that can be moved from one place to another with ease, and which consists of several main pieces such as the grill, a lid, a vat and a thermometer.
The advantages of its use are:
A versatile tool when cooking because it adapts to different pieces of meat, as well as being able to use different cooking techniques by leaving the lid open or closed. Cooking with the lid open is just like using a normal grill.
The barbecue cooks over low heat, making it ideal for cooking large pieces that need time to be done correctly.
The thermometer allows better control of the temperature.
Safer because at the end of cooking you can leave the lid closed and, in this way, the embers will go out safely
What is a grill and what it offers
The grill is, simply explained, the rack on which the meat is placed to be cooked.
When cooking with a grill it is important to take into account the distance between the grill and the fire, since if it is too close the meat can burn.
With the grill we are applying a strong fire to the food and, therefore, the cooking time is less than with the barbecue.
The use of a grill also has different advantages that can be very interesting:
When cooking on the grill, it enhances the flavor and nuances of some types of meat.
Cooking is faster and allows it to have a toasted touch on the outside, while the interior is juicier.
By cooking without the lid, the meat is more visible and its condition can be better controlled.
Factors to take into account that can tip the balance
To summarize and make it easier to make the decision, it is important to take into account the following:
The barbecue, unlike the grill, has a lid, which allows greater versatility when preparing food.
The use of the lid, in addition to optimizing food preparation, is also for safety, as it can be used to extinguish the embers without getting out of control.
The grills allow a more agile cooking. But keep in mind that you have to control well when putting out the fire, and that when you put the meat on it, the embers are at a safe distance to prevent it from burning.
For game meat, the barbecue can be an ideal option, since it allows us to better control the temperature of the meat, and by cooking it over low heat it maintains its juices and qualities.