The Paleodiet or Paleolithic diet is, to this day, one of the healthiest ways to eat due to its nutritional approach, as it helps our body to stay in an optimal state of health.
The diet of our ancestors is based on the foods that nature provides us, always seeking that these are not “adulterated” too much; The diet based on fruits, vegetables and lean meats from animals raised in freedom have made this new food trend a worldwide “boom”.
Research in biology, biochemistry, ophthalmology, dermatology, and many other disciplines indicates that it is the modern diet, full of refined foods, trans fats, and sugars, that is at the root of many degenerative diseases with which we are all too familiar; Scientific research and epidemiological studies show that diets rich in Monounsaturated and Omega-3 fats dramatically reduce cases of obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive decline.
One of the biggest deviations from our diet is the amounts and types of fats found in modern grain-fed animals versus the amounts and types of fats found in grass and feed that animals take from nature itself. What we found is that this meat is noticeably leaner and has relatively low amounts of saturated fat, while also supplying significant amounts of health-promoting Omega-3 fats.
With a simple change we not only eliminate the foods that hinder our health, but we also increase our intake of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
In this specific case, the Paleodiet uses bushmeat, wild boar, deer, rabbit… as its dietary base, in combination with wild fish and vegetables not treated with fertilizers.
All this together with physical exercise will gradually strengthen our metabolism and we will be immersed in a full and, above all, healthy life.
The roe deer under examination
Without a doubt, if at any time we were asked what the most special bushmeat is for us, the answer would be very clear: Roe deer! Of course!.
This meat, in addition to possessing an exquisite flavor, is the “pretty girl” of lovers of good food and is already an essential item in many restaurants dedicated to offering their customers seasonal and product cuisine.
In order to enjoy roe deer to the fullest, the noblest pieces should not be cooked for long, since those classified as red meat lose both flavor and aroma if we cook them for too long.
This type of meat is considered by experts to be one of the healthiest that we can find on the market today due to its high content of iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, a quality that it shares with fellow cervids such as deer or the fallow deer; Could it be the air of Sierra Morena?
Its uses in the kitchen are many and varied, due to the fame that this product is acquiring at times, from the most traditional, such as stews or roasts, to current preparations that, every day, we find more frequently in our restaurants. head, that is the case, for example, cold cuts or roe deer sirloin tartare; In order not to lose an iota of flavor, the most “risky” chefs offer this type of preparation by “dressing” the meat (raw and minced with a knife) with elaborate vinaigrettes that give the dish a delicious freshness that brings the flavors to the palate. from the Mount.
A risky proposition? You just have to try it and tell us what your sensations have been, we will surely agree that it is something really tasty.