The infusion of the Verbena plant
Today I am going to tell you about one of my favourite plants, not only at an aromatic and ornamental level but is also used as a medicinal plant and is widely consumed worldwide.
Verbena is a plant of South American origin that has achieved fame due to its medicinal properties. If you have been following us for a long time, you will know that this is not enough reason to enter our catalogue, more is needed, that it is perfect.
It belongs to the Verbenaceae family, and in summer, it blooms w with clusters of small white and pink flowers. In its natural state, it is easily recognizable because when you pass your hands over its leaves, it produces fresh, citric and very pleasandelightfuls usually in many gardens and is easy to maintain. Although the cold of the peninsula usually has all its leaves cold, with the arrival of spring, it sprouts again with great energy.
Leaving aside the botanical topics, we will review what interests you the most.
Use of Verbena in Infusion.
What we are going to use to prepare a cup of this aromatic herb are mainly its leaves. The flowers and the most complex woody parts are going to be discarded.
Its fresh leaves can be used as with other herbs such as mint or spearmint, but depending on the variety, you may even get more aroma, flavour and benefits if you let it dry. This way, it is easier to extract all the essential oils, and the infusion is tastier.
If you dry it or buy it in bulk, you can always have it available to drink.
I recommend using about 10 g per liter. This is equivalent to a generous dessert spoon for a cup of about 180 ml to 200 ml.
Step-by-step preparation
Find a good filter so that you don’t have too many grounds left and it’s big enough.
Prepare water around 95ºC (we don’t want to cook the leaves, make an infusion).
Put the filter in the water for about 5 minutes.
Remove the filter and enjoy your cup of verbena.
What does vervain taste like?
The flavour is pleasant, esh and citric, with vegetable nuances, soft, and quite an aftertaste. It is one of the most aromatic medicinal herbs we will find, and most people tend to use it.
It is not necessary to add sugar or sweeteners; its flavour is slightly sweet with that soft and acid point. As I told you at the blog’s beginning, it is one of my favourite plants, probably only surpassed by tea.
Properties of Verbena
One of the main reasons for its consumption is its multiple health benefits.
skin benefits
It has traditionally been used as an ointment for insect bites, minor wounds, eczema and light skin damage.
digestive infusion
One of the most studied and contrasted is its use as a natural digestive. It goes great as an ending to heavy meals; it is used as an antispasmodic to mitigate colic, diarrhea and even vomiting. A good verbena tea is ideal for almost any upset stomach.
relaxing infusion
It is considered a sedative and relaxing plant. Its essential oils are used in aromatherapy, balms, baths, and aandinfusion.
Its aroma is considered de-stressing and produces unparalleled peace.
Benefits for the respiratory system
It might seem enough, but it is not. Verbena is used as a natural expectorant and relieves cough and congestion.
As you can see, it is a relatively compquicomp quote and natural template. We have found an exceptional quality, and we have not been able to resist offering it. If you want to incorporate it into your routine and try it, you won’t regret it.
Below you have access to buy it online in our online store if you want to try it.