In all houses we can find among the main foods that fill the fridge, or the freezer: meat.
With this ingredient we can make the best dishes that liven up meals both with the family and when there are guests. And it is that meat provides different nutrients, proteins and other components that are necessary to keep the body in perfect condition.
When we ask the butcher to cut our meat for us, the professional performs more than a simple cutting action.
And it is that there are more than thirty different types of cut of meat. Taking into account the type of piece, cut and how it is going to be cooked, the juiciness of the meat can change.
Hence the importance that, when we go to the butcher shop, we can choose the right piece and cut of meat to achieve dishes full of flavor and with all the benefits.
What to know before buying meat
By knowing the different types of cut, we can make a much more nutritious menu and get the piece of meat chosen to be done to perfection.
With this guide to types of cuts, the next time we go to the butcher shop for a piece of meat, we will be able to hit the mark to create a dish with all its flavor and quality.
Before learning more about the different types of cut, it is also necessary to know that each one is integrated into a special classification taking into account, among other things, the category in which the meat is included.
Depending on the use of the piece of meat, its nutritional value and its quality, it can be within one of the following categories:
First, within which we find two other subgroups differentiated into A and B.
The extra category is the one that makes the best use of the entire piece of meat and stands out for its high nutrient content.
In the first category we find subgroups A, which is also characterized by making good use of the meat, and B, in which the pieces need a longer preparation time when cooking.
The cuts that we find in the second category have this mention because they are more fibrous meats than the first.
Finally, the third category includes those pieces with a lower level of use and that can be used to, for example, make rich broths ideal for winter, since we are talking about using the bones.
Each of these categories and their cuts are used for different types of cooking in the kitchen. Knowing each one of them will help us to give the pieces of meat a better use when we go to cook them.
Types of meat cuts to match your dishes
Taking into account the categories described, we can find the following cuts that will help us to make the meat dishes that we cook successful thanks to good cooking.
The sirloin is one of the most recognized cuts. It is a lean meat that lends itself to being able to grill, iron or put it in the oven.
High loin is a meat that can be prepared in the same way as sirloin and is very juicy and tender. It is also characterized by having little fat.
Low loin. It is found at the rear and is also a juicy meat and ideal if you are looking for cuts with little fat.
Tapilla is a cut that is made near the hip of the animal and is a lean meat. This part of the animal can be used for roasting and frying.
The hip can be used in different preparations such as baking, frying or making it into fillets that we can coat. It is quite tender meat.
The contra is used to make stews or breading, and a little further down is the contra butt, which is somewhat drier.
In the shoulder we can differentiate two different cuts. One of them known as flat is where what is known as sirloin of the poor is taken from. This piece has quite a bit of fat.
Contra stock is a very tasty piece, but it must be taken into account that it has many sinews. This cut is used for stews and steaks.
Brazuelo: it is used as a general rule for stews and broths. It is characterized by the presence of nerves and because it requires long cooking to make it perfect. Even so, it turns out a meat with a lot of flavor.
The needle is another of the best known cuts. It is used to grill, fry or make stews and casseroles. It is a lean and flavored meat.
Chest: it is a little used cut due to the presence of many nerves. But for those who want to cook it, it is used especially to make stews and broths.
The brisket is a boneless cut that is usually used for stew recipes, for stuffing or for snacking.
One of the cuts that are requested when roasting or grilling is the rib. The meat is attached to the bone and the fat it contains gives it an incredible flavor.
The tail is a cut used above all for stews and broths. The oxtail is one of the most famous dishes.
Other curiosities about meat cuts
Although these may be some of the most commonly used basic cuts, there are some more that depend on the type of animal, the country where the cutting is done and the category to which the piece of meat belongs.
So that each cut is perfect when cooking, one of the things that must be taken into account is whether the piece is thin or thick.
If it is fine, cooking is less, a maximum of ten minutes, and can be done over high heat. But in the case of the largest pieces, it is necessary to be patient and cook over low heat for several hours.