Medium level
Preparation time: 60 minutes
With the seasoned deer fillets we are going to prepare some cachopos, which will not only be very tasty, but will also solve a lunch in the blink of an eye.
When serving these deer cachopos, nothing better than a good fried potato and a little mayonnaise. The combination could not be more perfect.
Seasoned deer fillets, slices of ham and slices of cheese. Bread and fry. That is the summary of the recipe, there is nothing simpler and more basic in cooking. The result, like all breaded, to lick your fingers.
To prepare the deer cachopos recipe we will need the following ingredients:
8 seasoned venison fillets
4 slices of cured ham
4 slices of cheese
Egg and breadcrumbs for breading
Extra virgin olive oil
salt and ground pepper
Recipe preparation
Defrost the deer fillets.
We pair two by two matching the sizes.
We season.
On four fillets we put a slice of cured ham and the slice of cheese.
Cover with the other fillet, so that the filling remains inside.
We take to the freezer about 30 minutes.
Remove from the freezer and pass through the beaten egg and breadcrumbs twice so that the breading is well sealed.
We take to the refrigerator about 15 minutes.
Heat the extra virgin olive oil.
We fry the cachopos in batches.
We drain well.
We serve.
There are times when we are extremely lazy to make empanadas, but once we get down to it, you can do it in no time. I recommend that the day you are going to make cachopos, you make more quantity and once breaded, put them in the freezer and we only have to take them out the day we need them.
With the thin cut that deer fillets have, making cachopos with them is a complete success because they are not too thick and they fry quite well, being tender and very juicy on the inside.
Do not forget a little mayonnaise to dip the pieces of cachopo, it is a true delight.