The innumerable benefits that a balanced diet entails for our health are well known to all, but are there foods that, for one reason or another, we do not consider including in our meals?
Hare, partridge, roe deer, wild boar, deer… Wild meat, that great unknown in our kitchens has been, is and will be the largest source of nutrients within the food pyramid, mainly due to the fact that it comes from animals that They have been born and have developed in the middle of nature and in total freedom, not being treated with antibiotics or hormones other than those that they themselves produce.
Its meat, of a darker reddish tone than we are used to seeing in other domestic species, has a very intense odor and a characteristic, smoother texture, a product of wild life and the diet that our friends have had until the moment of their capture.
It is simple, this great difference in “customs” with other animals raised on farms is what places bushmeat in the number one position in the ranking of healthy foods, since it has a very low fat content as well as a high fat content. protein, superior to that of any other meat product.
So many and so important are the benefits that this type of food provides our body that its consumption is recommended if you want to successfully overcome diseases as delicate as anemia due to the large amounts of potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus it contains.
Quite a discovery!
Don’t be afraid to buy wild meat, to cook it, that you love it and you can’t live without it, it’s a safe bet!