It is essential to eat a healthy and balanced diet to maintain good iron health. But is it necessary to leave meat aside to control that the diet is healthy?
Meat provides many proteins and vitamins that are beneficial for maintaining the proper functioning of our body.
All of this makes us think that removing meat from a healthy diet can mean that, in the end, the diet we eat is no longer as complete as we hope and need.
It is true that there are parts of the animal that can provide more fat than we would consider healthy, so it is necessary to know the different cuts of meat that can be ordered and that provide less calories and fat.
Then eating a delicious meat dish, with the maximum flavor and taking care of our health will be a reality.
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How to tell if a cut is low in fat
To know if a cut of meat from a bush animal has little fat, it has to have little cartilage and, especially, little tissue that contains a lot of fat.
It must also be taken into account that some wild animals are considered to have lean meat in their entirety, as happens with deer.
This is normal because their diet is healthier and more natural, when they are free they eat pastures that they find in their path. Also, they run from one side to the other and that makes their meat less fat.
But to be clear about what can be considered as lean meat, it must be taken into account that it has less than 10 grams of fat in total per 100 grams of portion.
This type of meat allows us to be healthy and strong, as well as providing us with a high-quality, rich and flavorful dish that can be prepared on the grill or on a griddle to keep its properties intact.
A good meat from an animal raised in the wild, with a wonderful cut whose best quality is the contribution of proteins, vitamins and little fat and calories, increases the pleasure when tasting it.
It is within a healthy diet, with all its flavor and maintaining the right weight.
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Types of delicious cuts with less fat
For those who always worry about having a healthy diet with which to maintain energy, health and avoid weight gain, there are different cuts of meat that give us many incredible sensations when eating it. And best of all, with very little fat.
The needle or high loin is a part of the animal that is ideal for creating stews in winter.
The sirloin is one of the parts most desired by diners. It can be used to cook in the oven or on the griddle.
Low loin, the back of the loin. It can be used to get filleted pieces of a somewhat thicker size.
The tapilla, also known as picaña, is a triangular part that is next to the hip and that can be prepared in fillets, minced or in other ways.
The hip is a part of the animal that is quite juicy and is used to make fillets.
The round is ideal for making a delicious barbecue with which to invite friends and enjoy. Low fat and great flavor.
The brisket is ideal for making minced meat, which can then be used for stuffing or added to other dishes.
The advantages of cuts of meat with less fat
These cuts of meat with less fat provide different advantages that make them highly valued, both by restaurant chefs and by consumers who always seek the best for their families.
These cuts of meat allow us:
Eat meat without fear of calories and fat.
Get the protein the body needs.
Ideal for sports lovers.
It is a meat that helps us enjoy easy digestions.
In a diet to control or lose weight, these cuts of meat with less fat are the most recommended.
Eating meat is part of our diet, with the help of these cuts with less fat, it is possible to continue enjoying the flavor of the best meat without health risks.