Wild meats are generally healthier, because they come from animals raised in a natural state, in complete freedom that are fed with grasses and fruits from the environment; Unlike farm cattle, it is a meat free of traces of antibiotics and hormones.
Thanks to the fact that they inhabit large areas and travel long distances, they develop a lot of muscle mass, their meat is healthy and very low in fat. Wild meat is an excellent source of protein and is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Among wild animals there are differences in the qualities and characteristics of their meat. Let’s see what differences and similarities exist between deer meat and wild boar meat.
Both deer meat and wild boar are dark, lean meats; this is a common quality in bush meats.
In terms of flavor, that of deer meat is similar to that of beef, but it is more intense, that is, it has a better flavor; the same happens with the wild boar and its cousin the pig; the meat of the animal raised in the wild has much more flavor, it is more aromatic. For this reason the meat cuts of both pieces are so appreciated.
Deer meat is similar to veal, although more tender and offers the possibility of making it the protagonist of a wide variety of preparations. However, the toughness of the meat depends on the age of the piece.
Wild boar meat is tougher than pork and usually requires longer cooking times to soften it.
Nutritional properties of deer meat and wild boar meat
The nutritional value of wild meat varies depending on the diet, the species, the age of the animal, the sex, and the geographic location.
Taking this into account, we can refer to some data found in animals of the same species from different regions, in order to make comparisons between deer meat and wild boar meat.
Low Fat
Both venison and wild boar meat are very low in fat and calories with a few minor differences: venison meat has 2.42 grams of fat and around 103 calories per 100 grams, while the values for beef of wild boar are 3.4 grams of fat and 109 calories per 100 grams.
Regarding the cholesterol content, in the deer we find 85 mg per 100 grams and in the wild boar we have 63 milligrams per 100 grams.
In terms of nutrients, we have to say that the contribution of deer meat is greater: it contains calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folates, vitamin B12 and Vitamin E.
On the other hand, wild boar meat is a source of vitamin B3 and B12 and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and selenium.
Health benefits of eating deer and wild boar meat
Eating bush meats is healthier because free-range animals contain more nutrients than their farm-raised relatives and do not contain residues of hormones or antibiotics. Let’s see what the consumption of deer and wild boar meat brings us.
deer meat
The benefits to our health of consuming deer meat include the health of hair, skin and nails due to its zinc content; iron and vitamin B12 help strengthen the immune system; iron also reduces the risk of anemia.
Copper has an antioxidant function and phosphorus contributes to strong bones and healthier teeth. The contribution of niacin reduces tiredness and fatigue and riboflavin helps protect the nervous system.
wild boar meat
Wild boar meat also provides us with vitamin B3 and B12; It is also rich in potassium, which contributes to the health of the nervous system. As for selenium, this mineral is essential for the cardiovascular system.
Both the consumption of deer meat and wild boar meat is beneficial for our health in general due to its high protein content, because it is low in fat and its nutrient content. At Artemonte we offer the best cuts of deer and wild boar meat so that you can enjoy its excellent flavor while taking care of your health.