Having to eat at work or for the children to take healthy snacks to school to maintain energy during the day can be quite complicated, especially if you have little time a day to think about and organize your meals.
Taking food to work or school that allows us to stay awake, with energy and that provide little fat is the goal to achieve, although most end up deciding on processed items because of the ease with which they are cooked.
To help us choose the foods that we can take to work or for children properly, while maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, we can base ourselves on the foods and ingredients that the paleo diet includes.
This diet has become a trend because it takes us back to a time in human history where life was simpler and easier, the Paleolithic.
At that time in history, humans based their diet on the meat of wild animals, more natural because they lived in freedom running and eating what they found, fish, fruits and seeds, very healthy ingredients, low in fat and simple to cook.
Transferring this diet to our current times is very simple, thanks to the bush animals that, as in the past, live in freedom, running around the fields and eating what they find in nature, so their meat is more nutritious and with little fat.
In addition, when making other products with these wild meats, such as pates or sausages, traditional and artisan processes are used, so they are natural ingredients and with all their flavor.
Foods that can be taken with the paleo diet
Those interested in the paleo diet have different motivations for taking this type of nutrition.
Some do it to lose weight and others because it seems to them that this diet helps them to have a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding processed and high-fat products as much as possible.
This is shown in the list of foods that can be taken when following the paleo diet, and these are:
Low-fat meat, such as wild animals that eat grass and run free.
Fish that contain a high content of Omega-3.
Fruits and vegetables.
With these foods, following a varied and healthy diet is very easy, since you can create different menus that help make the menu different every day.
Some menus that can inspire
For those who want to follow the paleo diet, but who still have some doubts about how to make an adequate menu to take to work or help children, we are going to show you some menus that can help you eat healthy every day, even away from home. .
Burgers, pumpkin and fruit
The meat of animals raised in freedom in the bush is ideal to include in any menu within a paleo diet.
So here we can combine some delicious wild boar or deer burgers, to taste, with a delicious fried pumpkin and a fruit to finish.
When cooking pumpkin and deer or wild boar meat, it is preferable to use olive oil or fruit oil such as coconut oil.
Sandwich with partridge pâté or wild meat sausage
Introducing children to eating a balanced diet that allows them to maintain energy is easier with delicious sandwiches that they can take away and eat at noon.
A sandwich with partridge paté, made in an artisanal way and with a unique flavour, along with a piece of fruit or some almonds, is an excellent snack that children will eat with great pleasure.
You can also make sandwiches with wild animal meat sausage such as deer sausage, wild boar chorizo or sliced deer jerky. Delicious sausages with incredible flavors and very healthy.
Keep in mind that the sandwiches must be made from seed bread, since the paleo diet avoids any type of processed food.
Easier if it’s already cooked
For those who have very little time, it can be difficult to prepare something that needs to be cooked. For this reason, we present a simple recipe with a type of already cooked bushmeat.
The pickled partridge is a delicatessen that blends perfectly into a delicious salad accompanied with vegetable crudités and banana bread to accompany it.