When talking about meat, sometimes the differences between red meat and white meat are discussed. It is common to hear topics about each of them, such as that one helps when there are anemia problems or that another is better for dieting.
The truth is that these differences are real, and each type of meat has properties that characterize it. In this article we are going to explain what white meat and red meat are, as well as the benefits and aspects that differentiate them.
Differences between red meat and white meat
The first question that exists when talking about this matter is to classify some types of meat into red meat and white meat. For example, wild boar meat is always considered red meat, while its domestic relative, pork, is often classified as white meat.
To distinguish between one meat and another, as a general rule we look at the amount of myoglobin, a protein responsible for giving color to muscle fibers, although it has other functions.
Taking this into account, we can classify game (including poultry, such as duck), beef, pork, horse, lamb and kid as red meat. Some exotic meats, such as ostrich, can also be classified in this way.
On the white meat side are farm birds, such as chicken or turkey, as well as rabbit raised in this way. Wild rabbit or hare do not fall into this category.
In the comparison of white meat vs. red meat, the main difference is found in the amount of iron that one contains compared to the other. Red meat has a higher content of this mineral, and for this reason it is recommended to treat anemia.
White meat has less fat, and therefore it is a more digestive meat. It also provides proteins of greater biological value.
In any case, both have their place in a balanced diet, since they provide benefits for the body as long as they are consumed properly. Below we leave you the benefits of each of them.
benefits of red meat
When it comes to evaluating red meat vs. white meat in terms of minerals, the first is the clear winner. Its potassium, zinc and phosphorus content help cell development. It also provides group B vitamins, essential for a healthy nervous system.
As it has easily absorbed iron, it is recommended for people suffering from anemia, or in cases in which there is a deficiency of this mineral.
Red meat can be prepared in many ways: stewed, grilled, baked, etc.
It is important that it is well cooked, for food safety, although this does not mean that they have to be well done. With the fact that in the center of the meat it reaches 60º or something more, it will be enough.
deer meat babailla
If we compare red meat and white meat in terms of flavor, the former has a more intense taste, as well as greater juiciness. Partly thanks to the amount of fat it contains, much more than white meat.
The less processed it is, the better. For this reason, it is preferable to choose whole pieces such as sirloin or fillets, instead of minced meats, which have a higher fat content.
benefits of white meat
White meat is high in protein, low in fat and calories. For this reason, it is usually one of the most consumed when doing sports or having to follow a low-cholesterol diet.
It also provides type B vitamins, although in less quantity than red meat.
In addition, white meat is more digestive than red, and for this reason it is frequently used in soft diets or infant feeding.
As for its preparation, they can also be cooked in various ways. In addition, the cooking times are shorter than those of red meat, being the oven and the grill the most recommended, instead of frying and battering, to maintain its benefits.
White meat and red meat are healthy and beneficial for the body, as long as they choose good quality products. White or red? Which to choose? Both are an excellent option in a good diet. At Artemonte we prepare our products with care, so that you can enjoy all the benefits of meat at your table.