Freezing meat is a fairly common practice, and a great way to avoid having to buy daily. Although it is very important to do it the right way, just like the reverse process of defrosting meat.
If it is frozen or thawed incorrectly, much of its properties are lost. In addition to that it can be harmful to health. Therefore, we are going to talk about the way and the steps you have to follow to continue enjoying your favorite meats.
How to freeze meat
How to freeze meat
The keys to freezing meat safely are as follows:
The first thing you have to do is choose a fresh and good quality meat. So you can get the best results. If you have bought them with this idea, as soon as you get home, put them in the freezer immediately.
Keep in mind that the fat is the part that lasts the least, and it spoils more easily than the rest. To freeze meat, it is better to choose lean pieces, which do not have noticeable pieces of fat. This does not mean that you cannot freeze fatty meats, although you should consume them in a short time.
To facilitate the freezing process, the ideal is to cut the meat into portions of about 250 grams or less. Thus, the cold will take less time to take effect.
Do not put the pieces together in the same bag, unless you are going to defrost them at the same time. Instead, wrap each slice in cling film, making sure it’s well protected. Direct ice can “burn” the fibers, causing the meat to lose properties.
If you’re thinking of refreezing meat you’ve taken out of the freezer, forget it. You cannot freeze previously thawed meat, unless you cook it at a high temperature so that the heat kills the germs.
To freeze cooked meat, wait until it has cooled completely before proceeding.
How long can frozen meat last?
It depends on the type of freezer you have at home, and the cut you have chosen for it. It is best to do it in a 4-star freezer, which reaches temperatures of -24º, although a 3-star (-18º) can also be used.
If it is lean meat, such as steaks or stew, it can last up to 12 months in perfect conditions.
Fattier cuts, like chops, last up to 6 months frozen. If it is sausages such as chorizo, do not let more than 1 month pass.
Minced meat is better not to freeze, unless you are sure that it is very fresh. In this case, 3 or 4 months is what you can keep it in the freezer.
Thaw Meat With Heat
How to defrost meat
Before defrosting meat quickly, it is very important that you know that it takes time, and that it must be done properly so that you can enjoy its properties.
The best way to defrost meat is to put it in the fridge the night before. It is the method that takes the longest, but it is also the only one with which you will preserve the natural texture and flavor of the meat.
Thawing meat at room temperature is not a good idea. Much less exposed to heat, like a summer day or by putting it next to a radiator or stove.
If you are going to defrost ground meat, make sure that you are going to cook it right away. Frozen meat deteriorates faster than fresh, and even more so if it is minced. The rest of the meats should not wait a long time to consume them either.
If it is meat that has been previously cooked, such as a stew or meat in sauce, the best way is in the microwave. Use the defrost program and then heat the dish in the usual way.
You can also defrost meat dishes in a saucepan over low heat. Always at the moment you are going to eat it.
In any case, defrosted meat should be eaten as soon as possible, and it is best to anticipate when you will need it to avoid rushing.
Follow these guidelines for freezing and thawing meat, and you will always be sure that you will maintain its nutritional properties, texture and flavor.