The paleo diet has become an ideal tool for many to lose weight and improve their health.
This diet is based on the idea of returning to more natural nutrition, like the one our ancestors ate, and moving away from the processed foods we have in stores today.
These foods that humans of the past ate came from hunting and gathering, and were products that the body could digest more easily compared to the diet that we have today focused on products full of sugars and additives.
Benefits of the paleo diet
Going on a diet implies resounding changes in the way of life and, above all, in the diet. This makes it difficult for some people to integrate their diet with their day-to-day obligations.
These sudden changes can increase the feeling of hunger as well as fatigue, so they are prone to prompting users to eat more undesirable foods between meals or to stop the diet without achieving the results they were looking for.
The paleo diet offers an alternative to typical diets, facilitating its integration into the daily lifestyle of people and allowing them to access a diet with optimal results that improve their quality of life and health.
The products that are included in the paleo diet offer different health benefits, such as protein intake.
Proteins help the feeling of satiety to appear and last for a long time, which avoids eating between meals and putting aside unhealthy products that are usually used.
On the other hand, they allow you to achieve the much-desired weight loss, since to break down proteins the body needs to eliminate fat cells that have accumulated.
In addition to proteins, within the paleo diet we find foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices and olive oil, products that provide energy, help muscle development, allow a restful sleep and are beneficial for the immune system and the digestive.
paleo diet and foods that are discouraged
Within the paleo diet there are some kinds of food that are recommended to be removed from the daily diet, and to which we often resort.
Among the products to be eliminated we would find:
The sugar whose manufacturing process at an industrial level makes it an unhealthy article.
Another product would be salt. Although it is not prohibited, it is necessary to reduce its intake as much as possible.
Dairy should also be eliminated, although it is important to change them to other foods that can help introduce calcium into the body, something it needs. To avoid calcium problems, you can go to products such as nuts and seeds, some fish and shellfish.
Any processed and/or ultra-processed food.
paleo diet and exercise
The paleo diet is designed so that it can be easily integrated into people’s lifestyles.
The purchase of fresh and seasonal food makes the shopping basket more balanced and adjusted to nutritional needs, so including it in the pantry of our homes is very simple.
On the other hand, along with any type of diet, nutritionists and experts advise regular exercise. Is this also true with the paleo diet?
Yes, it is always advisable to spend time doing physical exercise, since it improves the state of our body and health in general.
The advantage with this diet is that it avoids having to train more arduously to achieve optimal results, making diet and exercise more fruitful and enjoyable.
latest recommendations
As last recommendations, it is essential that when buying meat in our usual store, take into account the need to select those pieces that are lean and fresh.
And that in order to follow the paleo diet in such a way that you can obtain the best results, it is important to seriously commit to a lifestyle change that includes a healthier diet adjusted to the needs of our body.