When autumn approaches, towards the end of September and the beginning of October, in many parts of Spain there is an amazing spectacle. Very characteristic sounds begin to be heard at dawn and when the sun is about to set.
These sounds are what give the event its name, since they are bellows produced by the male deer during the mating season. We are referring to the bellowing,
The bellowing, a fascinating spectacle
The rut marks the time when the red deer begin their mating rituals. It is also a sign that summer has ended and autumn begins.
Bucks squawk to announce both the females and other rival deer that are in the area.
The females stay waiting for two males to meet, since when it happens another event takes place that is part of this natural spectacle, which has become a great attraction for lovers of the countryside.
Epic battles for the favor of the females
When one male meets another, they begin to bellow louder, preparing to clash their antlers in a fierce fight.
They can spend hours doing it, until one of them gives up, exhausted, and lets the victor collect the prize from him. In this case it is about copulating with the females, who have been waiting patiently until the best stallion has prevailed.
In fact, the females do not flinch while the fight lasts. They want their young to have the best genetic material, and so they wait until the strongest wins the battle. Only after that can the mating ritual begin.
The deer, an imposing animal
The red deer, also known as the European deer or deer, is widespread in the northern half of the planet, from Europe and North America to parts of Asia. Its size is impressive, with a height that can exceed two meters and a weight of around 200 kilos.
Undoubtedly, the most spectacular part of the deer is its antlers, which are renewed every year. These new horns have a kind of fluff, which the males rub against the trees to remove it before beginning the rutting battles.
The older the deer is, the larger and more majestic its antlers.
Where can you observe the bellowing?
In Spain there are several places where thousands of nature lovers gather every year to observe this fascinating spectacle. Some of the most significant are the following:
Sierra de Cazorla. This space in the province of Jaén is the largest protected area in Spain, and a good place to listen to and see the bellowing. The most recommended place is around the Tranco de Beas reservoir, through which a route that bears the name of Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente passes.
Monfragüe, in Cáceres, is another privileged place to enjoy the bellowing. In addition, you can observe birds in the wild, such as vultures or imperial eagles, in a fabulous environment where the colors of autumn gain splendor.
The Parque de Cabañeros in Ciudad Real is another great place to enjoy the deer bellowing. It is best to find a pasture and observe from a distance, since the animals prefer not to be disturbed.
Selva de Irati is a great place if you prefer to live the bellowing in the north of Spain. This area of Navarra also offers an extraordinary landscape, which is well worth a visit.
There are many other places where herds of deer live in the wild or in semi-freedom. For example, Monte del Pardo in Madrid, the Doñana Park or the Sierra de Hornachuelos. And the list goes on even further.
Tips to enjoy the bellowing
If you want to live this show, here are some recommendations to enjoy it to the fullest:
Avoid crowds. Deer run away from people, so the more people there are, the less chance you’ll have of spotting them.
Find a high, clear area to look around you. With binoculars you will go further.
Be patient and don’t make noise. The hearing of these animals is very fine and at the slightest sound they will run away.